I know Halloween was like ages ago, but Blogspot got problem with the photos uploading so yeah. Anyway, this was how I celebrated Halloween with my peeps.
Bloody Jan... Imagine meeting him at 9pm at the road side!! Haha! He really did waited at the side of the road for some of us who didn't know where he lived.
Wiebke and Kenny... The cute couple!
Intoducing Laura the Witch of the West...
I like this photo with Caro strangling Thomas. Haha! She look so evil somemore!
So like it was after Amsterdam, we met up at around 8.30pm at Jan's place dressed up and all. Haha! Was kinda fun, my first ever Halloween party! Didn't know what should I go as, then suddenly I remembered I had the Cheongsam that Eve gave me as Farewell present, and then... I went there as a Chinese Ghost. Hahaha! But the dress was so thin! What you expect, In Malaysia wear so think, later die of hotness... I mean, hot as in hot, and not hot as in looking hot... haha! What am I saying, anyway, you guys understand what am I trying to say. ;)
So... here come the final photo, of course of yours truly,
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