Counting down the days that passed

Monday 29 October 2007

Long time ago pictures from Sweden

Like you all know, I was in Sweden during my Summer hols... And that was like ages ago... but i just got the pics from my host dad's cam. WAKAKAKA! I curi it! No lah, actually I asked for the other pictures, and then i saw the Sweden pictures so I decided to take them also. Haha!

Sweden is soooo beautiful! From when the sun rises until it sets! But when I was there, it was as if there were no nights 'coz at about 04.00 the sun starts to rise and it's not really dark yet at 24.00. Soooo....

Sun rising in beautiful Sweden.... makes me wonder how the heck did I get homesick there...

About 100m from our house, there was a really huge lake, so we went kayaking...

In one of our rides, we saw 2 baby foxes... This is one of them... and then it swam right past our kayak! Not many people seen wild foxes swimming across the river before! We count ourselves lucky!

Look at the beautiful untouch nature!! So calm and peaceful....

But then two weeks of.... ya, ulu-ness.... What do we do to past the time besides kayaking and Moose spotting and er... sleeping... We DRINK! LOL! Ok, after two weeks right, the cans were more than that... we even made it into 3-D. Hehe...

And then we think we are super people, and go swimming in frigging icy cold water! I'm not exaggerating okie.... It was frigging 17°!!! But i bet it was colder than that!

Ach, here comes the sun set...
So yeah.... I don't have any more photos to show about Sweden.... I mean, there are but I'm too lazy to upload them here. Haha!

Snow in Autumn???

Ok lah, it isn't something new for those living in the south of Germany... It has already begun to snow... But, haha... It isn't snowing in my region, BUT there is snow in... Düsseldorf. Why?? Because the Skiing World Cup is held there! Of course, it isn't real snow... Kinda funny tho, like every other place ain't snowing only the ski path has snow.

Tadahhhh.... snow.....

Look so real right??? But, pity... it ain't real...

but who cares right? It's still snow what. A lil bit harder than usual but still counted as 'snow'. So what do we do??

We make it into snow balls lah!

Then make those cartoons our target!! MUAHAHAHAA!

Sunday 28 October 2007

Badminton Open in Europe

Claka! Dutch Open is over, and it was soooo near me!!! Claka!

Denmark Open is too far away....

The next Open is in France... which isn't too far away too... but claka.... I didn't check internet early enough. Bet the place is fully book for the Semis.

Clakaaaaa..... Na jaaaaa.... Have to wait for next year's Malaysia Open and hopefully I can go! I miss Malaysia Open 2006!!!!

Saturday 27 October 2007

Ngajat Orang Ulu

I have to do the Kelabit dance.... next month, 6th of November.

What's the problem you ask?? I forgot how to dance it. That's my problem!! I know how it goes, but when I dance it looks so.... I don't know how to explain. As if elephant trying to ngajat!!! HELPPPPP!!!!

My leg pulak sakit indah. Haihhh... Muscle sakit! The effects of not practising from start and no sports. Haihhh...

I need a miracle!!! TOLONNGGGGG!!!!

ngajat = traditional dance, My leg pulak sakit indah = my leg hurts, sakit = pain, tolong = help

Friday 26 October 2007

Reminiscing my past 8 months here.

Haha... Time really flies if you think about it... I have been here for about 8 months and a week plus? It's scary when you think how fast that is! And like in a blick of an eye, I'll be back home with everything I left for the year. But do I really want to go home?? I'll have to say, yeaaaaanooo... I want to stay here longer, but I miss my family and friends. Haha! Shit, the whole mix feelings thing is coming back again! The happiness and sadness of embarking a journey to Germany, and now, I have the same problem about going home!

Na ja... yerrr, I tengah jiwang (full of emotions) now... Listening now to Ryan Cabrera's I'll remember you. Ach ja... LOL! Anyone got the song can send to me?

I remember the first day in Germany, the gray winter skies, and sleeping in the car on the way home... and trying to tell the difference between normal houses and shops, haha, yeah I did have that problem, stop laughing!! And then to the first day of school... Meeting my good good good friend, Gianna, for the first time... and then remembering this guy whose eyes were soooo... wow!! whose name I won't say here =P and the other guy, Tim who kept pranking me, and giving me such heart attack!! and Thomas and Robert singing in class... and the whole group of friends, Gianna, Jenny, Thomas and Robert trying to teach me the German 'R'... and then yeah... suddenly having homesickness out of nowhere, and then suddenly being able to speak in German??? Haha! I didn't notice when I first started being able to communicate in German.

All I wanna say is that... to all of you who made my exchange year so great, thanks and I love you guys sooooo much!!!! Haha, as if my exchange year ending already!! Still got 2 months plus!!! Noooooooooooo.......

My New Blog

So like, yeah.... I've change blogs... hehehe... hopefully for the better...

If you guys wanna read my older posts from my old blog, it's still up... go to