First of all before I start anything, I wanna appologize due to the dust and cobwebs collecting/growing here.... Haven't had any inspiration to blog, although heaps of stuff has happened... blame on Facebook.. haha... instant uploads/instant updates therefore instant replies... Haha... Besides, it has been a hectic 2 months for me.. C.R.A.Z.Y!!
I think it has finally got me in the head... Oh ya, this is a rambling post... you can stop reading here... hahhaa...
Somebody commented that I'm on Facebook a lot, I admit I am.. That person asked me to considere deactivating my Facebook... unfortunately, pretty sure I'm addicted to Facebook... What you expect? It's the ONLY source of communication I get with friends back home!! so, in order to reduce being on Facebook, I decided to stop updating status... and see how I go from there...
As you can see, I'm probably having redrawal symptoms here.. haha... suddenly there's a huge spike in me posting on other people's walls... I keep changing my skype personal message thing... and here I am now... It's not working is it?
I'm so frustrated!! I have this one last assignment and it's not going ANYWHERE, 1. coz I'm procrastinating... 2. because it's hard... 3. I've done 3 major assignments before this one... 4. I'm no longer in the mood... 5. I wanna go home... 6. I'm sick of work... 7. I'm sick of uni.... 8. I'm always tired... 9. I miss home a lot... 10. I can think of 10 000 other stuff to do besides this assignment...
So how bah?
Abc Wednesday letter U for umbrella.
[image: Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing and outdoor]
Our summer has just arrived. My friend Annie was heading the team of
neighbourhood sup...
5 years ago